10Location ten
Track 1
Chris Crook and Richard Crawford talk about living in Clays Lane Housing Co-op, which used to be near Temple Mills - download »
Track 2
Children at Chandos East Community Centre, Chandos Road E15, talk about where they live - download »
Where once we lived
Locals, students and travellers once lived on Clays Lane towards Leyton, where the Clays Lane Housing Co-op was the heart of the community. Now subsumed beneath the Olympic site, the history of the area unfolds in these guides from former residents. Children from the Chandos East Centre say what they like about the area, explaining the ethnic mix of the area as they go and the Eton Manor Association make a poetic tribute to the Leyton boys in Dedicated to Leyton.
The Clays Lane Estate was a housing estate in Stratford, East London, and the UK’s largest (and Europe’s second largest) purpose built housing cooperative. It was an experiment in building close-knit communities as a way of helping vulnerable single people. Tenants were required to purchase a £1 share in order to become a member of the co-operative, which entitled them to attend and vote in the annual general meeting, to elect or stand for the management committee, participate in the co-operative’s affairs and receive its services.
Marker 10:
Pin Oak Quercus Palustris